Северо-Осетинская государственная медицинская академияСОГМА Войти
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Welcome to NOSMA


Persons, responsible for the foreign citizens’ admission

Abaeva Rita, head of the International Department International Department -

Vladikavkaz, Pushkinskaya str. №40, Administration Building, 1st floor, ph. (8672)53-42-01

Student hostel - Vladikavkaz, Schegrena str. № 8, 1st floor Hostel manager - Gabaraeva Nonna, ph. (8672)53-33-03

Drive from the airport only by taxi, it is desirable to pre-announce your arrival, meeting is possible. Route taxis from the railway station - №33, 59 (taxi stops near ticket office). In the case of the applicant’s, foreign citizen’s arrival in daytime, one should apply to the international department of the academy with full package of documents (see Admission rules), register in the selection committee and apply for migration registration, after that he will be settled in a hostel. In case of the applicant’s, foreign citizen’s arrival at night, one must apply to the hostel for accommodation, and the morning come to the international office with documents (see Admission rules), register in the selection committee and apply for migration registration. Placing students in a hostel is regulated by the Order of the student hostel WELCOME to NOSMA

NOSMA is located in one of the most picturesque places of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania, Vladikavkaz.

The North Ossetian State Medical Academy was founded in 1939. The old mansion in Butyrina Street became the first academic building from which the Institute started its history. On September the1st, 1939, the first 100 young people became students of the Medical Faculty.

In 1940, the North Ossetian State Medical Institute received a new residence at 40 Pushkinskaya Street.

The Pediatric faculty was opened in 1974 , the faculty of Advanced Medical Training in 1988 , the faculty of Dentistry in 1993, Medical and Preventive Medicine and Pharmaceutical faculties in 2000.

Today, North Ossetian State Medical Academy, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Healthcare Ministry of Russia is a modern medical institution, a large educational, scientific and medical center in the North Caucasus, with an 85–year history, with highly-qualified staff, with all modern facilities and clinical hospitals, training, retraining, advanced training of doctors and pharmacists, carrying on scientific research under the supervision of their professors.

According to the results of the monitoring of the effectiveness of educational institutions of higher education, conducted annually by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the North Ossetian State Medical Academy is an effective institution which has met all criteria for the past 7 years. In 2022, NOSMA was highly appreciated by the Public Council for Independent Assessment of Qualification under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and, according to the results of the procedure, recommended for replicating positive experience.

In 2023, NOSMA was recognized as the winner in the rating "Three missions of the University" in the North Caucasus Federal District. According to the RAEX Rating Agency, it took the1st place in the TOP 5 among medical universities of the North Caucasus Federal District.

The successful completion of international accreditation is considered one of the important achievements in the specialties 31.05.01 Medicine, 31.05.03 Dentistry, 33.05.01 Pharmacy (2023)

The international accreditation (program) of NOSMA, which was conducted by the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR), is a bridge for the university's entry into the World Federation of Medical Education (World Federation of Medical Education)

One of the competitive advantages of the Academy is more than 25 thousand doctors who successfully work in all corners of the world.

( % of employment is 90%)

There is a premilinary department in the NOSMA which provides pre-university training for citizens of Russia and foreign countries. Medical-biological and chemical-biological classes are actively functioning in educational institutions of the republic.

More than 4,000 students, residents, postgraduates, trainees (and some of them are foreign citizens) study at NOSMA.

…... students are enrolled in 5 specialty program:

  • 31.05.01, Medical Affair
  • 31.05.02 Pediatrics,
  • 31.05.03 Dentistry,
  • 32.05.01, Preventive Medicine
  • 33.05.01 Pharmacy;

-------- Students – according to 33 residency programs:

  • 31.08.01 Obstetrics and Gynecology;
  • 31.08.02 Anesthesiology-intensive care;
  • 31.08.07 Pathological anatomy;
  • 31.08.09 Radiology;
  • 31.08.16 Pediatric surgery;
  • 31.08.19 Pediatrics;
  • 31.08.20 Psychiatry;
  • 31.08.32 Dermatovenerology;
  • 31.08.35 Infectious diseases;
  • 31.08.36 Cardiology;
  • 31.08.37 Clinical pharmacology;
  • 31.08.42 Neurology;
  • 31.08.45 Pulmonology;
  • 31.08.46 Rheumatology;
  • 31.08.48 Emergency medical care;
  • 31.08.49 Therapy;
  • 31.08.50 Physiotherapy;
  • 31.08.51 Phthisiology;
  • 31.08.57 Oncology;
  • 31.08.58 Otorhinolaryngology;
  • 31.08.59 Ophthalmology;
  • 31.08.66 Traumatology and orthopedics;
  • 31.08.67 Surgery;
  • 31.08.68 Urology;
  • 31.08.71 Health organization and public health;
  • 31.08.72 General Practice Dentistry;
  • 31.08.73 Therapeutic dentistry;
  • 31.08.74 Dental surgery;
  • 31.08.75 Orthopedic dentistry;
  • 32.08.11 Social hygiene and organization of the state sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • 33.08.03 Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy
  • 33.08.02 Pharmacy Management and Economics;
  • 33.08.01 Pharmaceutical technology;

----- Postgraduate students in 4 areas of training of scientific and pedagogical staff in postgraduate study according to Federal State Educational Standards:

  • 06.06.01 Biological sciences,
  • 30.06.01 Fundamental Medicine,
  • 31.06.01 Clinical medicine,
  • 32.06.01 Preventive medicine;

and 16 specialties in accordance with Federal State requirements:

  • 1.5.4 Biochemistry
  • 1.5.22 Cell biology
  • 1.5.5 Human and animal physiology
  • 3.1.4 Obstetrics and gynecology
  • 3.1.12 Anesthesiology and resuscitation
  • 3.1.21 Pediatrics
  • 3.1.17 Psychiatry and Narcology
  • 3.1.7 Dentistry
  • 3.1.3 Otorhinolaryngology
  • 3.1.18 Internal diseases
  • 3.1.20 Cardiology
  • 3.1.9 Surgery
  • 3.1.23 Dermatovenerology
  • 3.2.3 Public health and healthcare
  • 3.3.3 Pathological physiology
  • 3.3.6 Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology

Additional professional education is carried out according to 68 programs advanced training programs of doctors; 35 professional retraining programs of doctor’s .Teaching staff including 48 doctors and 200 candidates of sciences, 26 professors, 72 associate professors, work at 41 departments of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Healthcare Ministry of Russia. 26 employees of the Academy are the main freelance specialists of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation-Alania and the North Caucasus Federal District. The indicator of the total teachers’ staff is 98.0%.

The agreements were concluded with the medical institutions of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Chechen Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Republic of Adygea, the Stavropol Territory, the Rostov Region, as well as with the medical institutions of Taimyr, Moscow, Odintsovo, Norilsk, the Republic of South Ossetia, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Abkhazia, Turkey, Israel, India and Egypt.

In the 2021-2022 academic year, 260 contracts were in effect for students of the Academy to undergo practical training in medical organizations in the region, CIS countries and far abroad. In the 2021-2022 academic years, 218 students of SOGMA were sent to India, Egypt, Yemen, Greece, Palestine, Tunisia, Iran for practical training.

The library support of the educational process meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard; the provision of academic disciplines with electronic publications is 100%. There is a single electronic library with an authorized access system for several medical universities, a corporate social network. Each student is provided with individual access to the EBS "Student Consultant", the information and legal system "Garant", the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.ru, foreign electronic resources of Elsevier, Springer publishers.

At the Academy, an internal independent assessment of the quality of education (hereinafter referred to as VNKO) is carried out on an ongoing basis in accordance with Federal and local regulations.

The quality Service functioning at the Academy is a mandatory participant of the VCO and maintains the relevance of the main local regulations governing the process of assessing the quality of educational activities.

Digital transformation is one of the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 and, at the same time, defines the key vectors for improving the activities of the Academy.

The transformation of NOSMA into a “Digital University” by combining the potential of digital educational platforms, information systems and modern IT infrastructure makes it possible to respond in a timely manner to technological and socio-economic challenges through the widespread use of modern digital technologies. The processes of digital transformation affect all the processes of the Academy. The work of the EIOS, which operates on the basis of the official website of the NOSMA, is of great importance.

Much has already been done to transform NOSMA into a digital university:

  • the work of the admission committee is automatic, integration with the superservice "Admission to university online" has been made;
  • on the basis of the official website of the Academy, an effectively functioning EIOS has been created, which allows all participants of the educational process to get access to the schedule, curricula, teaching materials;
  • personal accounts facilitate the interaction of participants in the educational process. It is possible to form an electronic portfolio demonstrating the main achievements of both students and teachers.

There is a process of formation and consolidation of digital competencies that allow the maximum use of the potential of information technologies.

All mentioned above is possible thanks to the modern and constantly updated telecommunications infrastructure at the disposal of the Academy.

It is possible to implement specialty programs, residency and postgraduate programs with the use of e-learning and distance learning technologies using programs: "Moodle", "Webinar", interuniversity electronic medical education platform "SechenovOnline", etc. The Academy's EIOS gives access to extensive methodological materials, allows recording the success of studying educational materials and automating analysis of academic performance using a system of tests. Since 2017, distance learning technologies have been used in the implementation of additional professional programs in 64 specialties.

More than 1000 units of computer equipment are operated in NOSMA; there is a high-speed Internet access channel. The Academy is connected to the following resources: GIS Contingent, the automated system of the Ministry of Health of Russia (subsystems FRMR and FRMO), FIS GIA and Reception, FIS FRDO, EGISM VAK. Innovative technologies are widely used.

The introduction of modern educational technologies and techniques, as well as the use of simulators and virtual learning platforms, increases the attractiveness of the university for students.

On the basis of the Federal accreditation center, simulation training is conducted in accordance with training programs, as well as the organization and conduction of primary and primary specialized accreditation of specialists in higher education programs – specialty programs, residency programs, and additional professional education programs implemented by the Academy.

Since 2014, changes have been made to many educational standards regarding the use of simulation training. Simulation technologies are being actively introduced into the educational process. Starting from the 1st year, students of the Academy are involved in the process of simulation training: from general patient care skills to emergency patient care skills. The advantage of using simulators in training is the ability to work out certain manipulations, algorithms of actions in clinical situations in conditions close to real ones. The center is equipped with modern simulation equipment of various levels of realism.

Educational pharmacies are models and fragments of a pharmacy organization. They imitate its structure, functions, and processes.

In 2020, the Academy was awarded the status of a Federal innovative educational platform for training leaders and managers of the MEDLIDER healthcare system.

The Academy works closely with partners in scientific research, which resulted in the project "Mobile nutritionist". The implementation of the project using artificial intelligence technologies will solve a number of problems of modern dietetics and make it easier for patients to select a daily diet.

The technique of "Antishock therapy in the provision of first and primary pre-medical and medical care to the wounded" is actively used at the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation and submitted for participation in the "Breakthrough into the Future" competition.

Research work at NOSMA is carried out in 7 main areas within 3 scientific platforms: "Oncology", "Pharmacology" and "Endocrinology". The Academy is the curator of the research sector of the scientific and educational medical cluster "North Caucasus". In order to exchange experience of regional cooperation, the results of the Cluster's research work at major interregional events are reported by the curator of the research sector, Rector of the NOSMA, O.V. Remizov, MD.

Every year, more than 50 scientific, scientific-practical, scientific-pedagogical conferences, symposiums, round tables of interuniversity, republican, regional, international and All-Russian levels are held at the NOSMA.

Since 2018, a bilingual specialized scientific and practical journal "Traumatology, Orthopedics and Military Medicine" has been published in a new international format (jointly by the Ministry of Healthcare of the DPR and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation), and scientists of the Academy (O.V. Remizov, I.G. Dzhioev, S.S., Sabayev, A.A. Kulchiev, V.D. Slepushkin, V.Z. Totikov) became members of the editorial board.

The Graduate Employment Assistance Center promotes the career growth of students and graduates. The Graduate Vacancy project is functioning annually maintaining graduate databases (helps to quickly select the necessary candidate at the request of the employer), holding Job Fairs and Career Days (at these sites graduates have the opportunity to communicate directly with the heads of medical institutions, both public and private) and having regular meetings with employers.

The Council of Young Scientists and the Student’s Scientific Society of the Academy actively participate in the research work. Young scientists of the Academy annually become laureates of the award of the Head of the RSO-Alania in the field of science and technology for students of secondary schools, young scientists and specialists. Over the past 5 years, 5 students of the Academy have become winners of the regional competition for grants from the UMNIK Innovation Promotion Fund, 15 best students have entered the Academy of Excellent Students, created within the framework of the North Caucasian scientific and educational medical cluster.

NOSMA has an infrastructure that includes administrative and educational-laboratory buildings, clinical bases, auxiliary premises. The activities of all departments of the Academy are aimed at organizing and improving the educational process. The total area of buildings and structures under the operational management of the Academy is 46958.6 sq. m., of the total area, the training area is 35849.7 sq. m., the teaching and auxiliary area is 1847.9 sq. m., the dormitory is 6412 sq. m. In 2022, a new academic building was commissioned, in which, in addition to classrooms, the NOSMA Art gallery is located. Much attention is paid to compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the education of disabled people. All conditions for a comfortable stay of this category of citizens have been created in NOSMA. There is a "House of inclusive education" that fully meets all the requirements for facilities designed for the implementation of educational activities of disabled people .

The Academy has its own Clinical Hospital and Dental Clinic with lecture halls equipped with modern technical facilities. There are 18 agreements on the organization of practical training of students with medical organizations and other organizations of the Russian Federation engaged in activities in the field of health protection.

The Academy has its own clinical bases: the NOSMA Clinical Hospital is equipped with modern equipment: endoscopic equipment, radiation diagnostics and therapy devices, equipment for electrophysiological, serological, immunological, biochemical and bacteriological studies and etc. The Dental Clinic has orthopedic and therapeutic departments, surgical, physiotherapy, periodontal, X-ray, sterilization rooms, as well as a dental laboratory. The polyclinic is equipped with a digital panoramic X-ray machine with a tomography function, equipment for physiotherapy treatment, endodontic tips, articulators, molders, a universal parallelometer with a milling device, etc. for regular workshops and scientific and practical conferences. There is a conference hall with multimedia equipment that allows to participate and conduct webinars independently. departments of district hospitals and polyclinics of all districts of the Republic of Alania are used as bases during the internship.

NOSMA has two dormitories for 420 and 50 places, designed to accommodate nonresident students, residents and trainees.

The management of NOSMA takes care of the good nutrition of students and staff, therefore, the Academy has a canteen with 300 seats, buffets for 20 and 68 seats.

Students of the Academy have the opportunity to seek medical help at the Health center of the NOSMA Clinical Hospital, as well as to receive expert advice and undergo examination at the State Medical Institution "Polyclinic No. 7".

Since 1991, the Academy has been training specialists for the countries of Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the CIS countries. Currently, 487 foreign citizens from 30 countries are studying at the Federal State Educational Institution of the Ministry of Health of Russia: Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, Belarus, South Ossetia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Guinea, Greece, Germany, Iraq, Iran, India, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Zambia, Cameroon, Nigeria, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Tunisia, Palestine, Yemen, Israel, Jordan, USA, and Canada. For 7 years, training has been conducted under the educational program "General Medicine", partially implemented in English. In 2022, the first graduation of the specified educational program took place. In 2021, for the first time, recruitment for training under the educational program "Dentistry", partially implemented in English, was carried out.

International activity is one of the priority areas of the Academy's work. In 2018, NOSMA became an international partner of UNESCO. The UNESCO Chair "Health Education for Sustainable Development" was opened on the basis of the Academy, which was headed by the Rector, Doctor of Medical Sciences Remizov O.V. In 2016, NOSMA became one of the universities recognized in India. There are 45 cooperation agreements, of which 34 allow students of the Academy to undergo practical training in foreign countries. The selection of applicants-citizens of foreign countries is carried out in accordance with cooperation agreements on the selection and referral of foreign citizens from India and Egypt to study. Every year, as part of academic mobility, foreign scientists conduct lectures and master classes in NOSMA, and representatives of the NPR Academy give lectures in foreign educational organizations. International-level events are organized to attract foreign specialists to solve topical issues of education, science and healthcare. In order to implement an active PR policy abroad, special attention is paid to the development of the English version of the Academy's website.

In 2022, 66 students were the first graduates in the specialty "General Medicine" partially implemented in English. Upon arrival in India, 40% of graduates successfully passed the FMGE exam (selection test of the Medical Council of India) at first try.

Participation in international exchange programs and joint research projects strengthens the university's position on the world stage.

Foreign teachers, researchers, and representatives of practical healthcare were involved in lectures at the Federal State Educational Institution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation within the framework of academic mobility programs. International conferences are held with the invitation of foreign guests. Among them:

Professor TomášSkrychka, one of the most famous colorectal surgeons in Europe, MD, Professor working at Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic), Europe's leading specialist in pediatric rheumatology Hartvichlemann; Associate Professor of Giessen University Werner Haberbosch (Suhl, Germany); Japanese neurosurgeon KatsumiTakizawa. Alexander Gabuev, DAAD International Fellow, Doctor of Medicine; T. Dzhioev, Lecturer at the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation of I.V. Goethe University, Frankfurt (Germany); Abdelhadieltijanimohamed Ali Adam, Doctor of the Alduain Clinical Hospital (Sudan); Sabat Abu Mustafa, Doctor of Medicine, Ophthalmologist; EngbangNdamba Jean Paul, Assistant of the Department of Surgical Disciplines of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Douala (Cameroon);ZalinaArdasenof, Doctor of Medicine, University of Kansas Clinic; Butueva M.V. dmn., Assistant of the Faculty of Magdeburg University (Germany); Vilievamakhbubanabikizi, Professor of the Azerbaijan Medical University; Tsageev G.V. dmn, University of Freiburg., Professor Kyriakosomkirnakou, who is the head of the Department of Electron Microscopy and Molecular Pathology of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics.

Educational work is actively carried out at the Academy, in 2021-2022, the direction of youth policy was particularly developed, carried out on the following tracks: volunteering, social activities, sports, creativity, science. Much attention is paid to patriotic education, intercultural communication and tolerance, activities to improve physical condition, instilling the need for a healthy lifestyle. In the rating "Your Move", formed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs together with the ANO "Russia is a country of Opportunities", the educational activities of NOSMA received a fairly high rating, taking 36th position out of 450 universities.

The programs "Anti-tobacco", "Anti-terror", "For a healthy lifestyle", prevention of drug use and fight against corruption are actively implemented in NOSMA. In 2022, a student sports club was organized. The Academy has developed and operates a system for encouraging and motivating students to participate in the social life of NOSMA. Student self-government offers many initiatives that are actively supported by the university management. Thus, the initiative of the activist of the trade union committee of the 3rd year student of the pediatric faculty Stella Pagieva to create a conversation club for foreigners was supported. Its goal is to help foreign students to intergrate into the Academy students community. Patriotic education of students occupies a significant place in educational work. It has become a tradition to hold events dedicated to Victory Day, organize an annual meeting dedicated to the tragic events in Beslan, participate in the All-Russian campaign "The Voice of Victory". At the Department of Humanities, Social and Economic Sciences, 1st-year students perform coursework on the topic: "My relatives are participants of the Great Patriotic War", visit the House-Museum of the legendary hero I.A.Pliev. The Academy strives to create all conditions for the realization of the creative potential of students, to support students’ initiatives and implementing social projects. Various student associations are functioning, including a folk dance group , a circle of artistic words, a fashion theater, KVN, an intellectual games club, sports sections, etc.

The pride of the Academy is the folk dance group "Tsard", the winner of the Grand Prix of the international festival "Student Spring" of the BRICS and SCO countries, a multiple winner and prize-winner of republican and All-Russian festivals. Every year, students of NOSMA hold charity events, visiting orphanages and a boarding house for the elderly and disabled "Zabota", take an active part in charity concerts held by the rehabilitation center for disabled children "Alania". "Medical volunteers" are actively working. In 2021, the work of the North Ossetian regional branch of the movement of medical volunteers was highly appreciated at the V All-Russian Forum of Medical Volunteers in honor of the 5th anniversary of the movement. Every year, more than 100 cultural, creative, social and sports events for university students are organized and held on the basis of NOSMA. In addition, students of the university annually take part in about 100 cultural and creative, public and sports events of the republican, city, regional, All-Russian, international levels. In 2022, a 5th-year student of the Pediatric Faculty of NOSMA Inal Karatsukov became the winner of the North Ossetian regional stage of the Russian National Award "Student of the Year-2022" in the nomination "Social Worker of the Year of higher Education organizations" and was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree, a 6th–year student of the Faculty of Medicine Veronika Abayeva took the 2nd place in the nomination "Professional of the Year". In this nomination, the 1st place was not awarded. Decisions on the most important issues of the academy's activities are made by the administration of NOSMA taking into account the opinion of the Student Council. The Academy has established a council of parents, which ensures the interaction of the administration and parents (legal representatives) of students.

Booklet in English

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Video in English

Copyright © СОГМА, 2012. Сайт работает на портале VMEDE.RU (Единое информационное пространство медицинского образования России)22.10.2024 16:21